Oasis Explorer is Now Available

See how it's made and pre-order your pair!

Hi reader,

In my last newsletter I discussed Oasis Explorer, a no-tech 3D-printed prototype I have developed so you can try out the early essence of the focus-enhancing “Vignette Effect”. We’re now ready to start sending out the first few prototypes next week!

The Vignette Effect?

Yes, simply put, while Oasis reduces visual distractions, the peripheral vision dimming also acts as a reminder to stay focused (“Why is my peripheral vision dimmed, oh yeah, stay focused”). This is what I call the Vignette Effect and it relates to research on top-down and bottom-up attention.

Made in China my room.

I bought my own 3D printer so I could make Oasis Explorer from home. By now I have gotten used to the gentle hums, jerky printer-head movements, cooling fans and even the slight smell of melting plastic. Seeing something you designed on a screen come to life in a matter of hours never gets old. It’s an exciting and anxious wait to see if the printer successfully transforms binary data to physical atoms. So far the printer I got has been working like a charm and having a mini “production line” and “distribution centre” in my room is cool!

To capture what is essentially a day of work in less than two minutes, I have made a video showing some of the process of making Explorer. You can watch the video and pre-order Oasis Explorer using the link below!

Stay focused,



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